Infertility is a life crisis.
This traumatic experience leaves you feeling isolated, frustrated, anxious and sometimes even depressed. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
My Empowered Fertility coaching program offers a practical and pragmatic approach to thriving through fertility treatment.
We go beyond the day-to-day survival of not knowing and awaken your intuition to help guide you on this journey. By aligning your mind, body and heart, fertility coaching is so much more than destination baby. This is about trusting yourself and believing everything will work out.
My 5-step approach will change everything for you
How did you get here? Where is the fight? How to make peace with your body, mind, age, and treatment plan.
Clear out sabotaging thoughts, past trauma and out of date mindsets to embed new pregnancy positive beliefs.
This is when I use RTT Hypnosis.
Establish your emotional toolkit with practical tools to nurture your needs, prioritise yourself and protect your energy.
Know how to handle the ‘elephant in the room’ while confidently speaking your truth and untangling family expectations.
Another cycle? Donation? Moving on?
Establish the best path forward and keep going.
How it works
During the 8-week program we meet via zoom or in person. Between sessions you complete the exercises, actions steps and audio recordings.
First, we establish your key needs and mindset goals to empower your fertility.
From here we meet fortnightly to build the momentum, resilience, action plans and release pent up emotions along the way.
What’s Included
3 hours of 1:1 coaching sessions – 1 hour or 30mins sessions
1 x Fertility Reset Hypnosis Session – 2 hours (See RTT page HERE)
1 x Personalised Fertility Boosting Hypnosis Recording to rewire and solidify new supportive beliefs to maximise fertility success.
5 x specific mediation/hypnosis for:
- Mind-body connection
- Dialoguing with your reproductive organs
- Releasing stored emotions
- Building IVF confidence
- Visualisation techniques.
“Claire is a WONDERFUL therapist, really thorough and intuitive. She made the process so safe and relaxing, yet deeply powerful.
I feel so liberated, so at peace, and SO grateful and confident in my fertility. It's like a miracle!
Thank you Claire, from the bottom of my heart.”
– Fearne P., South Africa –
Why Empowered Fertility?
Over the past decade I witnessed a pattern of unrelated fears and issues frequently appear in fertility session. The trends uncover common themes of women not feeling good enough, worthy or deserving, especially of self-care.
Limiting beliefs of unworthiness normally begin in childhood. However, an adult life full of distracting career, goals and successes can force these beliefs to be buried deep down.
Until infertility strikes. No amount of will-power can suppress them now.
The fear of not having a baby triggers a primal survival alert in the brain. This significantly intensifies worries, fears, shame, guilt, blame and general negativity until it becomes all consuming.
When combined with past trauma of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, childhood or relationship issues, infertility puts tension on the mind, body, and soul collectively.
This is why fertility treatment impacts every part of life, not just the body.
Fortunately, you can release the past so your body can stop reliving it. By clearing tension, you can relax. It’s easier to trust your body and the process of fertility treatment when you are calm, centered, and grounded.
“I honestly cannot thank you enough for changing my life for the better.
Everything you have taught me has improved my life whether it is through my thoughts, actions, or perceptions of things that happen for, not to, me.
I can now trust in my body and welcome our future family.”
– Laura C, Sydney, Australia –